Friday, March 18, 2011

You may or may not have noticed that the public arena is entirely dominated by phallocentric imagery, chauvinistic political leaders, male fantasies of women.

Itty Bitty Titty Committee is a rare breed of movie. It is about a group of young, queer radical feminists. It also starts what may turn into my personal love-fest of movies that most other people don't like. This movie was kind of panned for its plot and some of the characters and dialogue. It felt semi-real and also a fantasy of what I could have been like in another life. I sway between rradical and postmodern feminist views, but I have never been part of a radical (or any other) feminist group. Not for lack of interest, but lack of availability. And now it isn't practical. I have a job that I take seriously. I focus more on career advancement than on reclaiming public space for women. Realistically, these characters do not resemble me or anyone I know. But  still can't help but smile at all of their missions and discussions. It doesn't really matter so much that it isn't like reality. It is a fantasy that I can get behind.

I can't emphasize enough how refreshing I found Itty Bitty Titty Committee. To see gay/trans/queer/butch women on screen is a rarity, particularly all in the same movie. Add in the fact that they belong to a radical feminist group (Clits in Action! CIA) and I am happy, even if the conclusion is a little out there. Part of what I love is the different representation of what women can be, think and look like. These are not the women you typically see in movies. These are young women with stories worth telling.

So I stand by my love for this movie. I don't really care what anyone else says, I love it. We need to hear women`s voices, to see women`s stories told. So this is a niche film. So maybe only queer feminists will like it. It doesn`t matter. We deserve our stories and our movies too.

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